No-confidence in democracy

Anyone who watches Taiwanese democracy will have a little bit of trouble taking Taiwanese Legislators seriously – so the latest threat to recall President Chen could just be seen as politicians doing what politicians do (i.e. ranting in front of a TV camera) … after all it’s been a whole 3 months since the pan-Blue opposition announced they would recall Chen.

However, this time there’s a rather worrying possibility. If the opposition follow through with their threat to start recall proceedings, which will of course fail, they are threatening a vote of no-confidence in a different president, president of the Executive Yuan Premier Su Tseng-chang (蘇貞昌). If this happens, then Su will probably ask President Chen to dissolve the Legislative Yuan. And this is where the problems start.

Legislative Yuan elections: What are the rules?

Under last year’s constitutional reform, the rules for the next LY have been dramatically altered. There’s a different voting method, the number of legislators has been reduced, and the districts need to be redefined. The details of what the districts are, and how the election should be held thus need to be updated, and voted into law. So, the current laws relating to election are no longer valid and the legislative yuan needs to vote through updates to these laws – but they won’t be able to do this if the legislature has been dissolved. Or in other words, if the legislature were to be dissolved:
Taiwan can’t hold LY elections until the laws are updated, but the laws can’t be updated until the LY elections are held.

What would happen then is anyone’s guess – the legislature would join the Control Yuan and the Examination Yuan in limbo with no obvious solution. The phrase ‘constitutional crisis’ might be a bit of an understatement at that point.

Incidentally, it is the job of the Central Election Committee to propose the new rules and districts for elections. They have (I believe) already done their job – but the Legislature has been too busy fighting and eating proposed legislation to get round to reviewing and voting on the proposals.

Disclaimer: This post is done after a complete 3-week holiday from Taiwanese politics and while fighting jetlag – so apologies if this issue has already been discussed (or indeed solved!) already.

14 thoughts on “No-confidence in democracy

  1. Pingback: Sun Bin

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  3. wolf reinhold

    The Blues will back off once they realize that ousting Chen means putting our favorite martian Annette in office….

  4. Terence

    by recalling the president,it would mean undermining Taiwan’s democracy as the blue’s are indeed “power-grabbing” for pwer.Why are they so determined to recall the president in the firstr place when there are other more urgent task needed to be done?Such as the flood relief bills and improving the livelihood?

    The blues knows nothing but to oppose and oppose without thinking if their actions benefit Taiwan.Why go so much trouble staging railles against an innocent President who has yet to provew if the allegations were really true?

    They gain little but cause more political and economic problems.

    I think it doesn’t make any difference on who takes over the presidential posts.Annette Lu,though unpopular within the party has the potential to govern Taiwan,given her political experience.

    However,the recall would seriously humiliate Taiwan’s democratic elected president who has yet to complete his term.

  5. sun bin

    bian might probably be not guilty. but even Kim dae-jung had to resign when his son was convicted. would bian does this if chao is convicted?
    (until then, i am with Ma’s earlier view of not-acting)

    btw, why cannot annette lu take over? she was democratically elected.

  6. sun bin

    more on DPP’s secret weapon 🙂

    宋楚瑜上周末現身凱達格蘭大道,帶領泛藍群眾一起高呼阿扁下台,群情沸騰的景像彷彿319的抗爭重現。久違的宋主席仍是泛藍支持者的寄託。一旁晾著的馬英九大概百味雜陳,對照起激越的宋主席,馬主席倒比較像319時,一樣是站在宋旁邊的連主席。 宋主席走入群眾時,民眾激動地跪地陳情,「宋省長」與民眾彷彿又找回彼此最溫暖的回憶。



  7. David

    Hey Wolf – glad to see you back! Taiwan politics is as addictive as any bad soap isn’t it?

    Sun Bin – I’ve been trying to decide myself whether this is a politically good or bad move for the blues, but I think the ‘Jimmy Soong, secret agent’ point of view has convinced me 🙂

  8. Michael Turton

    does nixon’s resignation deeply humiliated american democracy?

    No sun, but the difference is that in the case of Nixon,

    (1) the people who made him resign were SUPPORTING the idea of democracy, the people who want Chen out are ATTACKING the idea of democracy

    (2) Nixon committed actual crimes, Chen has not committed any crimes

    Big diff betweent the two cases. In the Chen case, the corrupt are the accusers, in the Nixon case, they were the accused.


  9. Michael Turton

    [quote]I’ve been trying to decide myself whether this is a politically good or bad move for the blues, [/quote]

    It depends what their long-term goals are.

  10. wolf reinhold

    “Hey Wolf – glad to see you back! Taiwan politics is as addictive as any bad soap isn’t it?”
    No, not back, but just touching base from Samui. Noticed a wire report on the thing in the Bangkok Post.
    Are any of these allegations of misconducet by the in-law and the missus grounded in fact?

  11. David

    “Are any of these allegations of misconducet by the in-law and the missus grounded in fact?”
    Difficult to say: The son-in-law looks as though it’s real (he’s been arrested but not yet tried/convicted, so he may still get off), but the allegations against CSBs wife are a bit more nebulous. The ‘proof’ is good enough for Chou Yi though, so it must be true 🙂

  12. Pingback: Politics from Taiwan » Update on no-confidence vote

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