Ma does Newsweek

A recent interview in Newsweek by KMT Chairman Ma Ying-jeou has caused some discussion among Taiwan blogs. There’s plenty of interesting stuff both in the interview, and the backtalk.

The interview

ADAMS: The DPP lost a lot of ground to your party in the recent elections. Are you pleased?
MA: We did well, but not because the KMT has really improved itself. Rather, the DPP has become so corrupt, and so inept, that people have lost confidence in them.

I think he’s spot on here. Despite the fact that I mocked him for this comment in an earlier post, it has some interesting implications. Firstly, Ma has only been Chairman for 6 months, so can’t really claim to have yet molded the KMT into what he would like – hence the KMT “hasn’t really improved”. Secondly, the implication is that he thinks change is necessary – which has got to be a good thing.

Under your leadership, the KMT seems well positioned to reclaim the presidency in 2008. How would your party change Taiwan’s relations with China?
The DPP is somewhat handicapped by their ideology. They have to keep a distance from mainland China. They have been very timid, very conservative and very reserved in pushing ahead a productive policy toward the Chinese mainland. If the KMT is able to get back in power, we will open up direct flights with the mainland in two years.

Again he’s right. The DPP are keen on stuff like direct links and improved (up to a point) economic links – but because China requires adherence to ‘One China’ as a precondition to talks, things are stalled. The KMT has no such idealogical problems (although the inherent bizarreness of their One China policy is worthy of a separate post), and so improved economic ties with China is one of their biggest assets.

Beyond economic links, what is needed for unification talks with China to begin?
Actually, the mainland is not pushing unification anymore. They don’t want to see de jure independence for Taiwan, but they are not talking about [unification]. Their hands are full. But if Taiwan makes a provocative move, they would be left with no choice but to use force. So the most important thing for Taiwan is to maintain the status quo, not to provoke the mainland, but increase trade and investment and to relax cross-Strait relations.

This answer along with a couple of follow-up questions (where Ma dodges the arms purchase issue, and eventually says he doesn’t really expect unification in his lifetime) get to the core of his (and so the KMT’s) position on China. His position can be summarized as:

  • Adhering to their version of ‘One China’ will allow the KMT to promote economic links with China much more easily than the DPP.
  • The KMT is only pursuing economic links. They plan to ‘maintain the status quo’ when it comes to political links.
  • They believe that China is only interesting in stopping independence – and doesn’t care about progress towards unification. This means that there is no serious threat to Taiwan based on KMT policy, and they can plan their defense policy accordingly.

These points throw up a lot of questions (most notably “While China is only talking about stopping independence now, does Ma really think this will be true in the future -when there is a KMT government for example?”), but are interesting because it’s the clearest definition of a KMT position that I’ve heard in some while [*].

I suspect Ma understands that adhering to ‘One China’ by itself is a vote-loser. However, adhering to ‘One China’ while giving clear promises of the resultant economic benefits and promising to protect Taiwan’s existing sovereignty is (if he can convince people) a big vote-winner. If Ma succeeds in explaining a clear and sensible China policy over the next couple of years, I don’t think the next election will even be close.

Blog reaction

Michael took issue with how the interviewer was being so easy on Ma. There were no really searching questions, and the whole interview was a chance for Ma to talk about his position in the way he wanted. While that is true, that doesn’t make it a bad interview; the lack of understanding outside Taiwan of the position of the two main camps is huge – and so there is a need for the Blues and the Greens to try and articulate their positions better in the Western press. Ma did this clearly and eloquently.

Jason follows up this point by lamenting the inability of the DPP to explain their position in a similar manner. Good relations with the US are more important to the DPP than they are to the KMT, and yet the DPP seem to either not care about Western opinion or to be genuinely incapable of explaining themselves to the Western press in a sensible manner. If an equivalent interview with President Chen was run alongside this interview with Ma then it would provide an excellent overview of the main political positions in Taiwan. Yet I don’t see this happening.

A good example of this imbalance was the 2004 post-presidential election chaos: It was the KMT who opened up their HQ to CNN to shoot footage of the protests (while ‘explaining’ the situation to the reporters), it was Lien & Soong who held a press conference in English for foreign journalists to air their grievances, and it was Lien who (ghost)wrote an article in the IHT for international consumption. What did the DPP do to promote their views in the international press?

The KMT has outdone the DPP in terms of media relations in an era when they’ve had a weak, uncharismatic bad communicator as their chairman at the same time as the DPP have had a clear leader and a fairly clean image. What is going to happen now that the KMT has a charismatic Western-friendly leader, and the DPP are a mess with noone in control?

You can hardly blame the Western press for bias when only one side is trying to talk to them.

* Lien Chan never got much beyond “Trust me. I’ll work out a good deal for the KMTTaiwan”, while LTH’s government was always kinda conflicted on the issue. You have to go back to the Chiang dynasty’s adherence to a ‘the only good communist is a dead communist’ position for any real clarity.

10 thoughts on “Ma does Newsweek

  1. Wolf Reinhold

    “”These points throw up a lot of questions””
    Which means the interviewer didn’t do his job properly.

  2. STOP George

    A good example of this imbalance was the 2004 post-presidential election chaos: It was the KMT who opened up their HQ to CNN to shoot footage of the protests (while ‘explaining’ the situation to the reporters), it was Lien & Soong who held a press conference in English for foreign journalists to air their grievances, and it was Lien who (ghost)wrote an article in the IHT for international consumption. What did the DPP do to promote their views in the international press?

    With all due respect, I don’t think that this was a good example at all. Yes, Lien and Soong held a news conference in English (and I do concede your overall point), but I watched that news conference and it made Lien and Soong look like the fools that they are. Throughout that news conference Lien and Soong contradicted themselves left and right — and judging by the questions asked at the time — the western reporters knew full well they were doing so.

    This event (along with the whole violent chaos that occurred after the election) certainly did not help the KMT win over the hearts of the west. Although the DPP did not spend as much time on PR with the west — they didn’t need to do so. THEY, afterall, were on the moral, legal and democratic high ground.

  3. wolf reinhold

    Yes, Mr. Stop, and fat lot of good the DPP made of taking the high ground. Chen should have declared marital law — there was the rumblings from China at the time about perhaps having to settle the issue — and put those two shitheads in the stockade. Instead we have Vice Dyke Lu’s soft power’s male equivalent running the country. Ma is a confused man bend over bend principles. Interviewed by a professional Taiwan-watcher and he would be cowering in the corner like an old woman before a National jackboot.

  4. MrEd

    I agree on the KMT HQ press conference and post-election ‘handling’ of the media by the KMT – pretty inept and as opaque as Saran wrap. Despite all the talk of “loving democracy” and “loving Taiwan” (comlete wth a lip lock on the pavement by Lien, Soong and Mrs Lien to ‘prove’ thier love for Taiwan) it didnt go over the way I think they’d planned it to with the fourth estate. But despite ‘hon Chairman’ Lien beng eased t, is anyone a mite concerned that he still seems to be in a position to pull strings on cross Strait issues as far as the KMT is concerned (or at least it was suggested to be the plan after Ma made Chairman)??

  5. David

    On the post-election KMT issue: I think you’re all confusing the way the KMT handled the media with the strength of their position. The English press-conference was a good example of them doing everything they could to convince the Western press – they failed due to the fact that they hadn’t got a shred of evidence for their wild accusations.

    If you think they failed to handle the media well – show me some international articles which paint the KMT reaction as a petulant, divisive, sometime violent, often illegal refusal to accept losing a clean fight marked by a wide range of random accusations which had no factual basis. All I saw was reports talking about the ‘anger on the streets’ due to worrying allegations of cheating.

    My personal belief is that if the DPP had taken as much effort to explain their views to Western journalists as the KMT did, then the KMT would have been crucifed in the English-speaking press.

    Wolf – I take your (and Michael’s) point that it was a bad interview because it didn’t probe at all into the problems with the KMT position, but I still think it’s a useful chance to see what the KMT position is.

    MrEd – as to Lien Chan’s continued influence: KMT Chairmen don’t just fade away quietly! I’d love to see the old-fogey’s influence in the KMT disappear, but it’s unlikely to happen that quickly

  6. wolf

    “they failed due to the fact that they hadn’t got a shred of evidence for their wild accusations.”
    LIAR!!! The shooting was staged! I saw an episode of X-Files that proves it!

  7. MrEd

    I take yr point on the in print articles written by (often) blow in reporters more usually based over the water and who suddenly had to cover a complex domestic political issue. But I did hear/see a few surprisingly balanced reports on radio and (very surprisingly) one TV report where the reporter kept bemoaning the fact that the opposition ad lost but seemed to make an art form of whingeing about it.

  8. Pingback: Politics from Taiwan » Ma Ying-jeou and Taiwan’s ‘Pragmatic Path’

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